Enjoyed reading your article for at least three reasons:

- Artist's dates are one of my favourite things from the Artist's Way :-)

- Found it Interesting to learn that Atget had such a diverse professional life before turning to the camera.

- And cemeteries are interesting places... (I've recently completed a project with photographs from victorian cemeteries in London, the Père Lachaise in Paris, and the cemetery of Prazeres in Lisbon — i'm bound to do a post about that soon). When i first visited one of the victorian cemeteries in London, it was sort of a shock to be walking in a beautiful forest filled with tombstones. Have you seen that the conservateur of the Père Lachaise has published a book on the wildlife in "his" cemetery?

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Hi Pierre, thanks for your message! Where are you based? I'll subscribe to you so I can read your work. I love visiting cemeteries in Europe and no longer feel it is as sinister as it sounds. (In 1999 I went to a beautiful little one in Passau, Germany and felt 'guilty'.)

I had no idea there is a book about Père Lachaise. Sounds interesting!

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and i'm based in Lisbon, where there is a graveyard called the cemetery of Pleasures (Prazeres in Portuguese).

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So the book is titled La vie secrète d'un cimetière and it's by Benoit Gallot, who is the public servant in charge of the Père Lachaise - it is about wildlife. He also has an IG account https://www.instagram.com/la_vie_au_cimetiere

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Since cemeteries utilize large spaces in urban areas, it makes sense that they should be used as open spaces, like parks, but with reverence. The picture of the lane in the cemetery is a good example.

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